Today, teens are becoming more and more important in society. With this change, it is increasingly important for parents to provide them with the Prime Brand To Get Credit Cards For Youngsters that will help them save money, learn responsibility and develop good spending habits. It is often difficult to know what specific credit card might be best for a teen at a particular point in time because most of the information online is outdated by the time it arrives.
- American Express
American Express is one of the most popular credit cards for teens, and for a good reason. It offers a wide range of options for different types of teens, including its co-branded credit card targeted towards young alumni and students. These cards are particularly useful to students because they can use them at retailers that accept Amex products, thus increasing their ability to build their credit scores while they are still in school. They can also earn points towards free travel with American Express’ frequent flyer program, which is a great value right now given the increased number of airlines that are offering members discounts on flights.
- Capital One 360
Capital One 360 is another great option for teens. It offers a wide range of credit card options, including its Venture Card, which is especially attractive to those who want to travel abroad but don’t have the funds to pay in full each time they fly. This card also provides good value because it earns one mile per dollar spent on all purchases, and this type of promotion at airlines remains quite popular right now. As an added benefit, the Venture Card can be used at a number of retailers that accept its Boingo platform for free Wi-Fi access so teens can work on their homework between destinations without having to pay for expensive Internet access fees elsewhere.
- Chase Ultimate Rewards
Chase offers a good balance between price and product flexibility for teens, specifically for their own Chase branded cards. Regardless of which card the teen chooses to use, excellent value is guaranteed, and the Chase Visa Signature Card even has a sign-up bonus after spending $1,000 on merchandise within the first three months of opening an account. Although expensive at $95 a year or $9.95 monthly after this first purchase, this card can be used at up to 100 retailers that accept Chase’s payment network as well as all hotel chains in the U.S., which is another great benefit that few cards provide these days.
- Barclaycard Arrival Plus World Elite MasterCard
Barclaycard Arrival is a good option for teens because it offers fairly attractive rewards while also offering the flexibility to use the card in whatever way they choose. It is particularly useful to those who want to take advantage of its airline benefits, as many airlines offer discounts or frequent flyer mileage bonuses if the Arrival Card member is approved as an authorized user on their account. As a result, this card can provide great value even before the promotion period has concluded, so teens can still enjoy the benefits of this card long after they have graduated from college.